The Company (hereinafter called the lessor) rents to the person signing the contract (hereinafter called «the renter”) the vehicle described in the contract and hereinafter called “the vehicle” under the following terms and conditions. Therefore, the renter acknowledges and it is agreed that:

1)The renter received the vehicle in good order and condition after he had ascertained that it met his full satisfaction. The Lessor whilst taking all precaution and using its best efforts to prevent such happening shall not be liable for any mechanical or other damage of the vehicle during the rental period or for any tangible or intangible loss sustained by the renter as result thereof.

2) The renter is obliged to return the vehicle with all the tires, tools, accessories and equipment to the Lessor’s renting station on the date and the time specified in the contract and with a full tank of gas; otherwise he will be charged accordingly. In any event, should the agreed rental period has expired the Lessor has the right to collect or retrieve the vehicle even without the renter’s consent at any time, from any place and any means it may deem suitable.

3) It is Forbidden that the vehicle be used:

  • for any illegal transport of goods or for any purpose violating the Greek laws.
  • to carry passengers or property for a charge consideration express or implied.
  • to propel or tow any trailer vehicle.
  • in motor events (including racing, pace making, rallying, reliability trials and speed testing).
  • by any person under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • by anyone except the person signing the contract agreement and any individual included in a list submitted by the renter and approved by the Lessor signature on it.
  • out of the island of Milos.
  • on non-asphalt coated roads.

The renter and any other person who signed the respective spaces of the contract their rights resulting from this rental agreement and are fully responsible to indemnity the Lessor (or any tangible or intangible loss it may sustain if any of the above clauses of this article 3 is violated.

4) The renter acknowledges that so long as no term and condition of this agreement has been violated during the rental period (specifically the terms and conditions described in the article 3 above) he is covered by the Lessor’s insurance company for the cases (a)and (b)and the Lessor himself or the cases (c)and below against:

  • Death and bodily injures of third parties not riding in or upon the rented vehicle for a maximum amount agreed by the insurance company
  • Material damages of property not stored in or upon the rented vehicle for a maximum amount agreed by the insurance company
  • Collision and fire damages of the rented car to the extend these damages exceed the amounts excluded, as these amounts are defined in the prevailing rate folder of the Lessor, copy of which the renter has obtained and carefully read.

5) The renter further agrees to protect the interests of the Lessor and its insurance company in case of accident duήng the rental by:

  • giving immediately a detailed report on the telephone to the nearest station of the Lessor followed by a written one as soon as possible.
  • notifying the police immediately if another party’s guilt has to be ascertained or ίf injured people have to be taken care of.
  • Not admitting liability or guilt.
  • obtaining names and addresses of parties involved and of witnesses.

6) The renter is personally liable to pay the Lessor on demand:

  • the daily time change for all the days of rental. .
  • the kilometer charge computed at the rate specified on the contract for the kilometers covered by the vehicle during the period, the number of kilometers covered by the vehicle shall be determined by reading the odometer installed by the manufacturer. If the odometer fails the kilometer charge shall be made in accordance with the read map distances of the journey traveled.
  • the value of the gasoline consumed during the rental period.

7) During the rental period the renter is obliged to take all the necessary precautions to prevent the theft of the vehicle and is responsible for even the slightest negligence to this end.

8) The renter hereby releases the Lessor from any liability for the loss or damage to any property left, stored or transported by the rentιv or any other person ίn or upon the vehicle before or during the rental or after return of the vehicle to the Lessor. The renter further agrees to protect and indemnify the Lesser against and/or for any third party claim based on or resulting from such loss or damage.

9) Any additions or alterations to the terms and conditions of this agreement shall be null and vοίd inless agreed upon in writing by the contracted parties

10) This agreement was constructed in accordance with and will be governed by the laws of Greece. Any difference between the contracted parties resulting from this agreement ίs subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Greek courts. However, the Lessor has the selective right to file a suit against the renter either before the Greek courts or before the courts of the country where the renter resides.

11) The renter consents and agrees that he shall be bound by these terms and conditions ίn relation to any extension of the rental period agreed by the Lessor or in respect of any substitute vehicle rented in lieu of the vehicle.

12) The renter solely declares that he possesses enough property tο cove any financial obligation he may incur against the Lessor as a result of the rental agreement.

13) Should the car suffered damages due to a collision the car should be repaired by a workshop indicated by our Company.

14) Ιn case of produced damages to the rented vehicle, the renter should pay to the Company the half amount of the daily rent for the period of time required for the repairs of the rented.